Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A is for...

...awesome second blog post!

Welcome back, friends!  Today, this magnificent day of all days, we open our American Heritage Dictionaries to page one and we sigh.  We sigh with satisfaction.  We sigh with hope.  And yes, we sigh with a healthy amount of tiredness, because just looking at how many pages are behind that first is quite exhausting.

But there's no time like the present, so let's begin!  I will consistently give you the best definition for the word, that is to say I will give you my favorite definition.  (Yes, I have favorite definitions.)

a:  1.  The first letter of the modern English alphabet.

Things I like that begin with A:
aster flowers
auburn hair
A Christmas Story  (you know, the movie)
art (which probably should have been first)
afternoon naps
anklets (not that I wear them, but still enjoyable)

That isn't everything, but I wanted to leave room for you!  So, comment with your favorite nouns that start with A.  (People, places, things.)  I'll be very interested.  I promise.

Be sure to catch the next posting of your new favorite blog!  We will be covering Aachen, the German city.  Very exciting.  You won't want to miss it.  Did I mention this blog is illustrated?  Yes!  This is an illustrated blog, with all images copyrighted by me, Rachel Ohls!  You don't want to miss education, art, and me, do you?  Of course not!

For your viewing pleasure, until next time:


  1. This is a very intriguing blog, Rachel. I will be waiting with bated breath each day for your words that have the potential of both enlightenment as well as enchantment.

  2. You forgot me! I should be at the top of your list. ;) I love your blog and will be Anxiously Awaiting your next post. Love your illustrations too!

  3. Hey, what happened yesterday????

  4. It takes too long to create an illustration for me to blog daily. I'm going for at least twice a week. That'll definitely keep me busy!

  5. Once or twice a week is good enough, otherwise you'll have sloppy art. If people want sloppy art they should check out MY blogs. lol

    Maybe I'll use this blog to teach Parker the Alphabet one day.
