Saturday, May 17, 2014

Aare, Mateys!

Okay, so this isn't going to be about pirates.  It does, however, involve a body of water on which you can sail a boat.

Aare (or Aar):  A river of central and N Switzerland flowing c. 295 km (183 mi) to the Rhine R.

I know, I know.  A river?  Boooooring.  You just shut your mouth.  This river is freaking gorgeous.  Really.  It rightfully attracts thousands of tourists each year who come to kayak, swim, and gape at how beautiful the river looks as it flows through the Aareschlucht (Aare Gorge, for those like me who aren't fluent in German).

The Aare is the longest river that is born and spent in Switzerland.  It originates from the Aaregletschers   (Aare Glaciers) in the Bernese Alps and flows into the Rhine River after passing through some picturesque Swiss landscapes.

Rivers don't really lead the most exciting lives, but I scrounged up a few nifty tidbits about the Aare:

-Albert Einstein lived for two years in the capitol city of Bern, which the Aare happens to run through.

-It's the longest river that is entirely located in Switzerland. (I know I already said that, but it's the Aare's biggest claim to fame.)

-The Aare is responsible for that lush, fertile soil that makes of the plains known as the "vegetable gardens of Switzerland."

Now, time for eye candy:

Click HERE to view this drawing in my Etsy shop!

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